Friday, March 6, 2009

Peace out...

So my dude left this morning. Only for 2 weeks but he's still gone. Even though we go through this a couple times a year I still miss him a lot. Esp. lately since we've been working different shifts and hardly get to see each other. Luckily, we got to spend all day together yesterday. We went out to eat and watched a movie.
My puppy d's know he's gone too. When I walked in the door they looked for him. I guess when we leave together they expect us to come home together. They always liked him more anyways. :)
I hope he has a good time where he's going. As long as I get a present I'll be okay. Haha, I just got a nice big present from him last week.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Amanda and I went shopping this weekend in Cambridge. She took me to a store called "Lush". I've been in this shopping mall a few times, but never went to the stores I didn't buy things from. But, we walked into this store, and it smelled so good. At first I was a little taken aback because this was totally a store I would never have been in. But, once she started showing and explaining everything, I got hooked. We looked at all the different bars, massaging things, facial things, and all the other crazy things they had there. I was so amazed at pretty much everything in there. Plus, the aroma was so intoxicating. I ended up only getting a few things, since I was new to it, I didn't want to get things I had no idea how to use. I did get a free sample of this amazing facial mask.

I got so hooked on this store that I ended up taking Babe there. We went there and got a few more things, and as an added bonus we got a free goody bag. The free goody bag costs more than the amount we purchased. So, I was all excited for that, plus who doesn't love free stuff. I guess we went on a good day.

As much as I've been trying to slow down in the shopping, this past weekend didn't help out. Aside from my little shopping spree at Lush, I got a pair of Prada sunglasses. They were on sale, because I definitely would not have paid the almost $300 it costs for them. I resisted temptation and did not get any new clothes. Thank goodness I have to work next weekend because I definitely need to not shop...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Man, some girls are so annoying. Tonight I heard one chick said that she told her boyfriend that they weren't going to celebrate Valentine's Day, no gifts, no going out, nothing. But, not but 2 seconds later she bitched about how her boyfriend didn't get her anything!!! WHAT the HECK!!! What sense does that make??? I hate when girls do that, they make it like they don't want something but than make a big deal out of it. I myself along with my husband have chosen not to celebrate Valentine's Day, our choice, simply because one day out of the year to show someone you love them is pretty ridiculous. Not that there is anything wrong with everyone who does celebrate it.
Just needed to vent, plus Babe wasn't home for me to bitch at. Man, I think I'm going to like this blogging thing. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

oh boy...

So, Valentine's Day was spent cleaning and a little bit of shopping. I'm such a sucker for anything Roxy. I wish Babe was home so I wouldn't be so bored out of my mind. But, he's in having a blast in Belgium with his friends. So, now I'm just hanging out with my dogs listening to music...

pic courtsey of

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Let's see... I'm totally new to this blogging thing, but I thought I'd give it a try. I love to talk but somedays I feel like just venting another way. So, here I am trying to get the hang of this. Plus, I'm hoping by doing this I improve my computer skills, I shortcut way too much, so we'll see. lol.